Buying a home can be scary! It is often the largest financial transaction of your life. And you are dealing with lots of different people who use strange terms that you really don’t understand. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
I can still remember when I became an agent more than twenty years ago, and I had those same feelings. I was scared. I was lost. I felt so out of place! I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. These days, with decades of experience to my credit, my job is to look after your best interest, to explain things you don’t understand, and to make sure you feel safe in asking all the questions you want to ask.
I’ve learned a lot in twenty years. I’ve seen good markets, crashes, and wild swings in the mortgage industry. As your agent, your satisfaction is a responsibility that I take very seriously. My team and I use our knowledge and experience to make sure you get the best representation available.